11 Skills Employers Look For In New Employees

11 Skills Employers Look For In New Employees – The “hard skills” the intricacies of how to accomplish the job are only part of what an employer is looking for. Soft skills are as crucial. Here’s a look at some of the abilities that companies value and how to improve them. That means you’ll need more than just a strong CV to land your dream job. You must also display the soft skills that employers seek.

Skills Employers Look For In New Employees

Employers understand that you may not possess every soft skill on this list. However, having the correct soft skills for the job could be the difference between you and another candidate.

Prepare to present real-life instances
of how you’ve demonstrated some of these attributes in the workplace during job interviews.

If you’re returning to the workforce or have never worked before, you may have developed these skills in ordinary
life, education, or volunteer opportunities, which you can share in an interview.


  • Independence

Independent personnel do not require continual direction from management. They can run with a project, checking
in just when necessary. Many managers favor independent workers since it allows them to focus on other duties.

While you should strive to solve difficulties on your own, knowing when to notify your management on your progress or request feedback on the next steps is as vital. Periodic check-ins can be beneficial. They can be accomplished by daily emails, weekly meetings, or a monthly report.

  • Adaptability

Employees that are adaptable are adaptable and can adjust to change with a good attitude. During the COVID-19 outbreak, many workers are exercising this skill.

Employees were forced to switch to work-from-home schedules, communicate entirely online, and handle the minutiae of their professions with little notice, all against the backdrop of pets, children, and other work-from-home distractions.

Some employees transitioned smoothly, while others received a crash course in establishing this talent. In an interview, you may be asked how you would react in an adaptable situation. Prepare to describe your steps or to discuss a past experience.

  • Coachability

Give an example of how you learned from a past mistake and evolved professionally and personally to demonstrate your coachability in an interview. You can talk about how you implemented input, were open to criticism, and made additional changes as a result.

  • Confidence

Confident employees know what they’re good at, recognize their worth, and exude confidence. Employers value confidence because confident employees are more productive and inspire others. Confidence in your ability to accomplish your work properly develops over time.

Setting goals (and sticking to them), acquiring new abilities, and putting your energy into things you enjoy are all little but big confidence boosts.

  • Emotional Intelligence

Employers have begun to prioritize a worker’s EQ (emotional quotient) over their IQ (intellectual quotient) in recent years, according to Huffman. Employees with a high EQ are self-aware, independent, motivated, empathic, and social. Employers want to know that you can think logically through problems and respond in a crisis or in normal situations, according to Rivera.

Prepare anecdotes that demonstrate your EQ for your next job interview. This could include how you cooperate with coworkers, incorporate manager comments, and help customers solve difficulties while remaining calm.

  • Leadership

Even if a candidate is not looking for a leadership or management position, hiring managers look for strong leadership qualities such as confidence, passion, and initiative. An interview is an excellent opportunity to discuss your previous leadership experience and how you might apply those talents in your current career.

Employers want to know that they can give you a project or ask you to lead a small team on day one. If you believe you need to improve your leadership abilities, try taking a course or receiving training.

You can also request more tasks from your present boss, such as training a new employee or heading a meeting or project.

  • Time Management

You’re undoubtedly juggling a number of competing demands on any given weekday. Time management enables you to complete tasks on time. If you continue to struggle with time management, get feedback from your boss or coworker. You may be given suggestions on how to implement a new system, or your manager may reduce your workload (or prolong your deadlines) until you demonstrate improvement.

  • Ingenuity

“Ingenuity” refers to the use of one’s inventiveness to overcome issues. Employees with innovation may recognize a problem, approach it with a positive attitude, and devise a solution.

Ingenuity may not come naturally to you, but it is something you can cultivate. Look for opportunities to streamline procedures, fix problems, and provide ideas during meetings as you go about your work. This is an excellent method to exhibit your self-assurance and independence.

  • Responsiveness

Have you ever sent an email and never heard back? You might have felt ignored, or you might have thought the recipient was disorganized. One of the top talents employers look for is responsiveness, or simply following up swiftly.

Productivity experts recommend scheduling short bursts of time throughout the day to respond to emails and prioritize activities.

A reasonable rule of thumb is to respond to a communication within 10 minutes or less. Less urgent responses can be delayed for up to 24 hours.

If you are unable to deliver a thoughtful response right now, contact them and let them know when you will be able to follow up.

  • Surpassing Expectations

This is where you can distinguish yourself from your peers. When you go above and above your tasks, you may be assigned new and exciting assignments that may help you advance in your career.

  • Big-Picture Thinking

Although you are most likely focused on actual tasks and outputs at work, it is equally necessary to consider the big
picture. This entails looking beyond your responsibilities and comprehending how your job affects other departments and the corporation as a whole.

What are your company’s goals, and how can you assist it accomplish them? Take some time to consider your role in your organization and how you might assist it in growing and succeeding. Then apply that knowledge to your regular activities and decisions.

  • Final Thoughts

An interview is your opportunity to shine. Consider moments when you used the talents on this list as you prepare for it. When was the last time you came up with a creative solution to an issue, resolved a workplace conflict, or demonstrated leadership in a challenging situation?

There are numerous books, podcasts, and courses available to help you master the fundamentals or hone many of these talents. Time and experience on the work, as well as the advice of an excellent boss, might be beneficial. Frey also suggests maintaining a journal of how you handled a particular issue and how you could improve your approach.

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