5 Reasons you Should Not Graduate with First Class Degree

5 Reasons you Should Not Graduate with First Class Degree

Graduating with a First Class is undeniably an achievement to take pride in, yet the post-graduation frustration it brings can be overwhelming.

In this discussion, we will explore five (5) reasons why graduating with a First Class degree may not be as advantageous as it seems. It’s crucial to acknowledge that these points reflect the personal opinion of the author and do not necessarily align with the views of Thefacts.com.ng.

Below is what a Nigerian First Class holder, Adeola twitted (user name is @Rx_Deyholar).

5 Reasons you Should Not Graduate with First Class Degree

If you aspired to graduate with a First Class or distinction in school but ended up with a Second Class, don’t be disheartened. Read this article to the end to understand why achieving a First Class degree might not be as advantageous as you think.

Note: This article summarizes Adeola’s story, who graduated with a First Class.

Five (5) reasons you should not graduate with first class

Below are some reasons you should not graduate with First Class Degree:

1. Too much will be expected from you

A significant level of expectation will be placed on you as a First Class graduate. During interviews, exams, professional courses, and other scenarios, all eyes will be on you. The anticipation is that you will outperform other candidates.

“I ran project management in January. My
PMP instructor is an ex to one of my very good friends, so he had an idea. Baba always directed all the tough questions at me and expected me to pull an Einstein every single time…”

2. You must know everything in your field

People won’t accept any excuse for not knowing everything in your field. They won’t acknowledge that you hold only a first degree in your course and are not yet a professor.

“At work 3 days ago, a patient came in with a prescription for Clarithromycin and Cetirizine. Next thing, my boss went, “Deola shey you finished with a first class, oya explain the pharmacokinetics of Clarithromycin.”

3. You must know everything about any thing

People will expect you to know every thing about anything, even things outside your field or beyond your scope. They will expect you to build a helicopter simply because you graduated with a First Class degree.

“After devotion one morning, my kid brother complained that the iron wasn’t working. Mom said, “give Deola, let him check it”.

4. You must be an entrepreneur

People will expect you to create a job for yourself and also for people around you. If not, they will regard you as a fool who merely sought favors from professors to attain a First Class during your time in school.

5. You must be rich

Wow, this is a serious matter! As a first-class graduate, the expectation is not only to be rich but to be richer than those around you. Otherwise, they will use you as an example of their friend who achieved a first class but isn’t wealthy.

After considering the reasons discussed above for not graduating with a first class, please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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